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Italy, Sardinia 2013. One of the doors of the last remaining coal mine in Italy. Coal has been produced and collected since the beginning of...


13 September 2014

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Xanti Mortu - "Dead Already"


13 September 2014

Italy, Sardinia 2013 A paint on the main workplace canteen where the miners use to spend time during them break from work. The paint represe...


13 September 2014

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Xanti Mortu - "Dead Already"


13 September 2014

Italy, Sardinia 2014, Rosaria, miner of the coal mine that is few miles away from the place where she lives with her children. (


13 September 2014

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Xanti Mortu - "Dead Already"


13 September 2014

Italy, Sardinia 2013 August 2013, the last big assembly where 432 miners knew that Carbosulcis industry, the last remaining coal mine in Ita...


13 September 2014

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Xanti Mortu - "Dead Already"


13 September 2014

Italy, Sardinia 2013 Into the coal mine, 450 meters under par the sea and more than 30 km of tunnels has been built. (


13 September 2014

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Xanti Mortu - "Dead Already"


13 September 2014

Italy, Sardinia 2013 Few miners in the lift tools used to go rapidly into the mine, 5 minutes is also the time  that it takes to reach the s...


13 September 2014

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Xanti Mortu - "Dead Already"


13 September 2014

Italy, Sardinia 2013 The miners and them thought on board of a car to go from an area to other of the mine usual journey of the workers. (


13 September 2014

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Xanti Mortu - "Dead Already"


13 September 2014

Italy, Sardinia December 2014 One of the first miners employed in the mine thinking about his close retirement and at the same the time look...


13 September 2014

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Xanti Mortu - "Dead Already"


13 September 2014

Italy, Sardinia 2013 "Neurologia" in italian means neurology. It Is easy to find all around handwriting on the walls, the idea is to minimiz...


13 September 2014

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Xanti Mortu - "Dead Already"


13 September 2014

Italy, Sardinia 2013 The environment just outside the coal mine, Nuragi Figus, Sardegna, Italy (


13 September 2014

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Xanti Mortu - "Dead Already"


13 September 2014

Italy, Sardinia 2013 Efisio, 49, department head, have spent most of his life under the mine working hard every day, even if he had the oppo...


13 September 2014

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Xanti Mortu - "Dead Already"


13 September 2014

Italy, Sardinia 2013 Two miners bring coal tools from one area to other of the mine (


13 September 2014

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Xanti Mortu - "Dead Already"


13 September 2014

Italy, Sardinia 2013 The mining engineer shows the planetary of all the area and where are situated the wells of Nuragi Figus and Seruci, th...


13 September 2014

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Xanti Mortu - "Dead Already"


13 September 2014

Italy, Sardinia 2013 The shower stage after the pass of miners that have finished them 8 hours of work. (


13 September 2014

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Xanti Mortu - "Dead Already"


13 September 2014

Italy, Sardinia 2013 A miner in front his clock room after his shift of work. (


13 September 2014

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Xanti Mortu - "Dead Already"


13 September 2014

 Italy, Sardinia 2013 A old miner sitting in front of his clock room after a long day of work (


13 September 2014

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Xanti Mortu - "Dead Already"


13 September 2014