Cracovia V Zaglebie Lubin - PKO Ekstraklasa

Cracovia V Zaglebie Lubin - PKO Ekstraklasa

Benjamin Kallman and Zaglebie goalkeeper Dominik Hladun participate in the game between KS Cracovia and Zaglebie Lubin in Krakow, Poland, on November 29, 2024. This is a PKO BP Ekstraklasa, Polish football league match at Cracovia Stadium. (Photo by Marcin Golba/NurPhoto)

ID: 11822708
Date: 29 November 2024
Location: N/A
Copyright: Marcin Golba/NurPhoto
Category: Sports
Special Instructions: Restricted to Editorial Use Only. Commercial use is not permitted without prior authorization. Please contact us for more information. -
BP Benjamin Kallman Cracovia Cracow Dominik Hladun Ekstraklasa KGHM KS Krakow Lubin Miedziowi PKO PKO BP Ekstraklasa Pasy Poland Polish The Stripes Zaglebie Zaglebie Lubin athlete athletes ball club field foot football footballer footballers game gk goal-keeper goalie goalkeeper keeper league match pitch player players professional season soccer sport sports stadium team teams
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